Legal Information
These trademarks and the copyrighted materials of Sovereign Experiences LLC and may not be used in advertising, publicity, or any other purposes without prior written permission of Sovereign Experiences LLC. Sovereign Experiences LLC reserves the right to bring any civil action in federal or state court in Clearwater, Florida arising from the improper or unauthorized use of this web site, including for infringement of its trademarks and/or unauthorized use of copyrighted material. Sovereign Experiences LLC's compilation of links to Internet resources, images, tables and advertising, and the description of those resources and the information contained within Sovereign Experiences LLC's web site are copyrighted material. You are not authorized to utilize, copy, reproduce or modify any portion of Sovereign Experiences LLC's web site without prior written authorization. If you have reason to believe that any person, company or business has infringed Sovereign Experiences LLC's trademark rights or improperly used Sovereign Experiences LLC's copyrighted materials, please notify the Legal Department by contacting attorney Christopher Caiaccio at Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart at 404-870-1781.